My world has shattered. My water broke, but my husband was at his son’s football game. I gave birth to our first child together, a beautiful baby girl, just four days ago. This is my first child, but my husband, James,has three kids with his ex. The day my water broke, I called James, but he never came to the hospital. Instead, he texted, “It’s Ethan’s first football game. I promised I’d be there. Our newborn won’t even remember this day anyway.” My heart sank. I was in labor, alone and terrified, while he was at a game. Infuriated, I told him not to come home. He didn’t show up for 5 days. Worried something had happened, I went to his ex-wife’s house. She looked startled to see me. My blood ran cold when she admitted James had been staying there in the guest room. He’d gone to her because he was
offended that I’d asked him not to come home. I was livid. But then his ex-wife, Amelia, added insult to injury. “Well, James already has three kids, she said dismissively, “so this fourth one isn’t as special to him as it is to you. His first family will always be more important, and that’s just how life is.”
I was speechless. I couldn’t even look at her.
I just turned and left. Between James’s indifference and Amelia’s cruel words, I’m seriously considering divorce. He finally showed up today to meet his daughter. I know he can be a great dad – he’s wonderful with his other children – buthis actions have broken my heart.
What should I do?